Friday, February 20, 2009


Voltage Distribution System Network Menegah begins output from PMT (Pemutus of Labor) to the main depot distribution system TM (Primary). Scope Medium voltage systems up to 35 KV.
The scope and conditions of the testing and komisioning at JTM Test the document include:

a. Image adjustment with the results of the implementation of the draft

b.Adjustment plans for the use of materials with the results of the implementation of the following specification.
c. Adjustment pelaksaan with the provisions and standards that apply Physical test

a. How the installation
b. Mechanism of equipment Electrical test
- Measurement resistansi electrode pembumian .

Measurement resistansi isolation, including:
a. Test Phase R-Neutral.
b. Test S-Phase Neutral.
c. Test Phase Neutral.
d. Test Phase R - S Phase.
e. R Test Phase - Phase T.
f. Test S Phase - Phase T.
g. Neutral-Ground.
- Energinzing.
- Imposition.

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